About this package
Bar of Quebec
Our package is designed for sole practitioners who want to start and grow their own law firms. It includes a comprehensive set of courses and guides that cover everything you need to know about setting up and running a successful law practice. You'll learn about the challenges and opportunities that come with being a sole practitioner in "What Law School Didn't Teach You: Starting Your Own Firm". Our "Marketing Plan Strategies to Make Your Law Firm Stand Out" guide will help you differentiate your law firm from competitors and create an effective marketing plan. In "Embracing LinkedIn – Make your profile work for you", you'll learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and use the platform to expand your professional network and attract new clients. Our guides on "Starting a Law Firm" and "Setting Up Your Solo Practice: Part 1 and Part 2" will guide you through the process of setting up your own law firm and ensuring that all legal and administrative requirements are met. We'll also explore common ethical challenges faced by sole and small law practices in "Real-World Ethical Problems in Sole and Small Practices". Lastly, "Clients Make the Practice of Law Possible: Part 1 and Part 2" provide valuable tips on building and maintaining strong client relationships and delivering exceptional client service. With our package, you'll have access to the knowledge and skills you need to launch and grow a successful law practice as a sole proprietor. *LSNB discontinued the accreditation of CPD programs as of January 1, 2023. The courses in this package are within the eligible topics, as described by the LSNB. **All of the courses in this package are LSBC-approved.
This package includes:
schedule12 hours on-demand content
signal_cellular_altAppropriate for all levels
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At May 16, 2023
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorNo prerequisites
lock1 year access
calendar_todayUpdated At Aug 8, 2024