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Krista Carson
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Krista is a senior HR leader with over 20 years of experience within global organizations where she has held senior roles responsible for HR relationship management, strategy, communications, organizational effectiveness, leadership development, and change management. A thought leader and creative thinker, Krista currently holds the position of Senior Lead, People for Discover Your Personal Brand (DYPB) and is a faculty member at McMaster University’s Centre for Continuing Studies. Active in the community and passionate about paying it forward, she is a member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, an opt-in research community of business professionals. She has also served as Director, Marketing & Communication for the Scotiabank Alliance for Mental Health, Vice-Chair of the United Way Committee and member of the Scotiabank Women in Leadership Council of Chairs. Krista is also a life-long learner having completed Yale University’s Science of Well-Being, MIT’s Leadership & Change Program, McMaster University’s Instructional Strategies for Adult Learners, as well as a practitioner certificate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy from the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology. She is also an active member of the Canadian Psychological Association, the British Psychological Society, and the Human Resources Professional Association. In her spare time, Krista enjoys reading, writing and long walks with her puppy.