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Stefan Devito
Make smarter money, Sales skills, Interviewing, Body language
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Stefan is an international dealmaker and sales expert. Before entering the dealmaker world, he has analysed the great businessmen of our times for over 10 years, sales trainers like Jordan Belfort, Brian Tracy and Grant Cardone, great investment gurus like Warren buffett or Charly Munger and the great entrepreneurs of our time like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. Sales has changed and Stefan applies what works from these approaches in the real world of the 21st century. Before joining as an instructor, Stefan has worked in a diverse set of industries as lobbyist, data scientist, salesman and coach in various countries so that he only teaches what is universally applicable in different countries, cultures and for different positions. He holds an LL.M from the French Sorbonne law school and speaks five languages.